“1. Treasure the Word of God
2. Train the People of God
3. Trust the Spirit of God”
Our vision is a simple description of what we want to look like. They are principles that ultimately define our culture; our church DNA. It is aspirational, but also realistic. We believe that these three statements must be true of our church in order to effectively pursue God’s mission out in the world.
First we must treasure the Word of God. We are a Word-centered church. We love biblical, expository preaching that puts us into the text of Scripture. We ask our Bible Study leaders to primarily study the Bible throughout the year rather than other books or topics. We look to Scripture in everything as the final standard of authority and sufficiency in the life of our church. But also, we do not treat Scripture as a cold and indifferent rule book, but rather we treasure it as sweeter than honeycomb (Ps. 119:103) and more necessary than bread (Mt. 4:4).
Secondly, we must train people for ministry. This includes discipleship and growth. We do not aspire to build a church of consumers, addicted to the milk of infancy, but rather to be trained and grow into maturity. Additionally, we do not want a church full of territorial people who hoard their roles and responsibilities. It should be a joy to cross train, and to give others a chance to serve, and to even work ourselves out of jobs so that more people are trained to serve. Any position in the church that can only be done by one person is a failure to train and equip others for ministry.
Thirdly, we must trust and operate by the Spirit of God. We want a church that is not built upon the growth tactics and success stories of men, bur rather a movement of The Spirit of God. We seek to glorify God in our worship services. We ought to employ prayer and fasting in our decision making. We are not a secular business, we are a church with Christ as its head, and the Spirit as its power source.
Our mission is our responsibility to those outside the faith. It is our marching orders from Christ to His church. We must constantly deny our tendency to turn inward and lose sight of those who need the gospel. This is what drives us to action and also how we determine our missions strategy. Our mission statement is derived from a summary of the book of Acts. We exist to know Christ and to make Christ known. Boldness is a function of being Spirit-filled. We recognize that different churches will take different approaches in preaching and evangelism, but our church leans on boldness and believes that this is most needed in our current day (Ac. 4:13). Proclaiming Christ is also important to us (Col. 1:28). While there are many emphases and messages a church could make their primary output, we believe that proclaiming Christ crucified and resurrected is the most biblical; we preach the gospel at CHBC. And finally we seek to represent Christ in this world. We are to be the ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). Our Lord Jesus currently sits in heaven at the right hand of The Father as the head of the body, and He has charged us to be His hands and feet in this world, until He returns. We are to live as reflections of Christ to this world, to act as He would act, and to represent His interests here.
“To know Christ and to make Christ known. ”