Find a Bible Study

For a detailed and interactive view of our classes with the ability to join groups and contact leaders, click here.

  • If you need any assistance at all in getting plugged into a group, or finding the right Bible Study, contact our Bible Studies Team Leader, Craig Gray. He would be happy to help you. If you do decide to join a Sunday School class on campus, he will meet you before class begins and personally walk you to your class, introducing you to the class leader.

  • All Sunday School classes run from 9:30am to 10:30am and meet in various rooms at Calvary Hills Baptist Church. A CHBC Campus Map is at the bottom of this page, showing where every room number is located. Use this to help locate your class more easily.

Bible Study Groups List

Sunday School - On Campus

Children’s Classes

(Birth - 5th Grade)

Currently we offer the following Sunday School classes for children in the Education Building (“A” Rooms):

  • Birth to Walkers led by Jessica Rodriguez

  • Walkers - 2year olds led by Samantha Bass

  • 3 and 4 year olds led by Cheryl Wood

  • Kindergarten - led byTiffany Zweygardt

  • 1st-3rd led by Eric Shields

  • 4th- 5th led by Bekah Kingma.

Classes are studying the Truth 78 Curriculum

All of these classes check-in at the Kids Check-In.


(Middle and High School)

Led by Tami & Isaac Pankonin , upstairs in C12 (youth room), in the Education Building. Middle School and High School students are welcome to come.They use the Truth78 curriculum .

College & Career


Led by Steve Cable, upstairs in the Education Building in room C2. This class best fits college students and young adults in their 20s.

Young Adults & Families


Led by Ryan Substad, downstairs in the Education Building in B4 (located under the stairs). Those aged late 20s through early 40s would likely feel most comfortable.

Family Ties


Led by Nathan Clardy meets once a quarter for three weeks. Join us in exploring connections in the Family of Faith. Where has God placed you?

Adult Women

(Ladies 20s-60s)

Led by Erin Grenwelge in the Education Building upstairs in C4. Ladies aged generally in their 30s-50s would feel most comfortable but women of all ages are invited to join us. Our society today leads us to believe that church is not a priority because of work, overly packed schedules, and complacency. This causes us to retreat inside our homes, seclude us from our neighbors, makes church an afterthought, and we are unable to fulfill The Great Commission. Join us as we strive to dig deeper, make church a priority, reach out to our neighbors/coworkers, and learn how to love our families as God has commanded us to do.

Adult Men

(Men 20s-60s)

Led by Craig Gray  in the Education Building upstairs in C1. Men between 20s through early 60s would likely feel most comfortable.

Led by Carl Tanton in the Education Building, downstairs in the room off the small fellowship hall. Middle aged adults would feel most comfortable in this class.

Mixed Adults 1


Mixed Adults 2


Led by Jason Grenwelge in the Sanctuary Choir Room S2. Middle aged adults through senior adults would feel most comfortable in this class.

Senior Adult Women

Women 60s and Up

Led by Virginia Pohle and Jean Bass in S1 (adjacent to the choir room behind the stage). Senior adult ladies would feel most comfortable in this class. This is a Sunday School Class using Lifeway curriculum.

Midweek Bible Studies

Lead by Patti Cable and Laura Juarez on Tuesday Mornings from 9:15-10:45 in the small fellowship hall

Mom Squad Bible Study

Ladies Mid Week on Campus

Women 18 & Up

Led by Alyssa Bragg, Sarah Wheeler, and Jocelyn Whalen on Thursday evenings at 6:45pm.