Frequently Asked Questions
How can i connect with CHBC?
1. Fill out a digital connection card.
2. Fill out a paper connection card, located in the back of each pew, and place it in any black offering drop box mounted at the back of the Worship Center.
3. Stop by the Welcome Center in the lobby to ask any questions you may have about CHBC.
What should I expect in a visit?
It can be intimidating to visit anything for the first time. It’s always helpful to know a bit about what to expect. Watch this video to see what we’re all about.
Our worship service lasts around one hour. The focal point will be a message from our pastor, directly from the Bible.
We have music led by our worship team, usually consisting of keyboard, guitars, and drums.
People dress in a variety of ways, some in jeans and t-shirts, some in dress clothes. You will be welcomed however you dress. You may feel most comfortable in business-casual attire.
If you have children, they are welcome to stay with you during the service. However, we do offer programming for children from birth through pre-k during the worship service. If you’re not sure where to go, stop by the Welcome Center or ask an outdoor greeter. Volunteers are always happy to walk you to wherever you need to go.
Click here to get an idea of our church facility layout with our campus map.
Where and when do You meet?
Our church meets for worship every Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. at 910 W Loop 1604 N in San Antonio, TX
We also offer Bible Studies on campus from 9:30am - 10:30am and opportunities for children’s ministries.
What do you believe?
In short, we believe the Bible to be the inspired and inerrant Word of God. We worship the Triune God (Father, Son, and Spirit). We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God who lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary death on our behalf, and bodily rose from the grave. One day Jesus will return to make all things new.
For a longer statement of our faith, see The Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
What is your history?
In 1981, a small group Bible study met that would become Calvary Hills Baptist Mission.
In 1985, the first worship service and Sunday School classes were held in the new building, which is today’s fellowship hall.
In 1986, Calvary Hills Baptist church became a self supporting local church, meeting for weekly worship.
For a deeper discussion on the founding of CHBC, click here to listen to an interview with a charter member.